Our new home in France

While looking for a house to rent, somewhere to base ourselves while we hunt for the right property, we found the perfect house in the perfect spot -and with the help of the lovely people at Cle Rouge Immobilier in Duras it is ours! This blog is primarily for our friends and family to follow the ups and downs of the adventures. However if we don't know you, I hope you'll enjoy the story too, and that one day you may consider booking into our lovely home as a paying guest - you'll be made very welcome!

Sunday, 17 October 2010

One day to go.....

A very full car before leaving home!
 Well, we're here in France, having set off with a car full to overflowing!

A lovely crossing on Brittany ferry's Bretagne, superb meal and a good night's sleep, then ready for a long drive down to Aquitaine. A smooth journey, at the end of which we should have been meeting Nicole at Bergerac airport just after 3pm. Unfortunately, Ryanair had other plans, having cancelled the flight from Bristol just minutes before takeoff. Nicole, resourceful as ever, changed her flight to Easyjet Paris and caught a train to Bordeaux. All would have been well, except we expected her to arrive at Libourne, where we were waiting for her at 11pm. We eventually caught up with her at Bordeaux station (the sat nav having sent us to the bus station first!) at around half past mid-night.
We are staying in a very comfortable chalet on a campsite half-way between our new house and the town of Duras. We can see 'our' house from the window - so near, yet still so far!

Today we visited the chateau in Duras and took this lovely photo of our house from the top of the tower - so exciting to see it.  There it is, right in the middle of the picture, our little house on the hill!
Vue de Duras in the distance

Nicole and I at the top of the tower at the chateau.

The house with an almost sparkling pool!
We took a picnic lunch up to the house and ate it in the garden! The house looks beautiful in the sunshine today, rather better than it did when we arrived on Thursday, when the garden was overgrown and the pool had a bad case of algae.

 Tomorrow is the day we have been waiting for, at 3pm we will go to the Notaires office to sign for the house, pay over the money and pick up the keys. Fingers crossed!


  1. Oh how exciting! You must be so thrilled to be so close to you lovely new home! Tried to send 'bon voyage' wishes last week but the computer crashed just as I did so. So instead good luck for tomorrow!


  2. How exciting! Good luck. Boy that pool looks great.

  3. Wishing you Bon Chance at the notaire's, no doubt you will be kept pretty busy from now on, all the best.
