Our new home in France

While looking for a house to rent, somewhere to base ourselves while we hunt for the right property, we found the perfect house in the perfect spot -and with the help of the lovely people at Cle Rouge Immobilier in Duras it is ours! This blog is primarily for our friends and family to follow the ups and downs of the adventures. However if we don't know you, I hope you'll enjoy the story too, and that one day you may consider booking into our lovely home as a paying guest - you'll be made very welcome!

Sunday, 14 November 2010

A lovely long weekend

On Thursday it was yet another holiday in France (second in two weeks). There was a fair and vide grenier (literally empty attic - equivalent to car boot/flea market) in Duras. Nicole and I had a little wander around in the morning and come home with a bell for the front door.
In situ, courtesy of Russ.
At lunchtime, Hugh arrived at Bergerac on the lunchtime flight from Southampton. He inspected the work completed so far by the builders (and Nicole and I), mostly to his satisfaction! In the afternoon we had another look at the vide grenier, and after Hugh's shameless haggling (in the rain) we came away with a pile of French dvd's to watch - in an effort to improve our French.
All sorts of interesting 'junk'....

..........and the band played on!
On Friday, Nicole and I finally got on with the planting of the orchard. In the rain. The holes I had dug so long ago were full of water! Please don't tell me I shouldn't plant trees in this way - it's too late, and like every other plant I have ever tried to grow, they have two chances- live or die! (Fingers crossed though - it will be an expensive failure if they don't grow.)
The ground was wet and sticky - it was hard work.
So....the rain more or less stopped and allowed us to plant ten trees. All the holes are filled and ten more trees are ready to plant.

Saturday was a beautiful, warm day, so we all took the morning off and went to the market at Bergerac. It was a very bright and lively affair. We sat in a square to have coffee and pastries in the sunshine, and once fortified, enjoyed a wander. 
Nicole contemplating the bread and pastries.
Hugh and Nicole by the Dordogne river.

Hugh and I, with the obligatory market basket!
The afternoon stayed fine, so we managed to dig and plant another four holes. Much easier when you don't have to bail out the water first! So fourteen trees planted, six more to go.
Yes, she is wearing a pinny to dig a hole!
In need of a rest apparently - or just enjoying the sunshine!
We're not sure what Hugh was doing! Something to do with rescuing a robin which had flown into the kitchen! (He had also been doing his bit as the 'pool man'!)
Today is all change again! The flight taking Hugh back to England and work for another two weeks, also brings Mike, Nicole's boyfriend out to stay for a week.


  1. Young, fresh blood! Put him to work Fifi, he'll make short work of your orchard!

  2. Ooh! Lucky you with the vide greniers! The bell looks lovely. And as for the tree holes, I have a very green fingered friend who says you should never plant into a hole that ISN'T full of water. So hopefully they'll thrive!
